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The British Sun Bathers Association (BSBA) of 1943 and the Federation of British Sun Clubs (FBSC) of 1953 merged to form the Central Council for British Naturism (CCBN) in 1964 which officially became British Naturism in 2009. In 1922 the English Gymnosophical Society was formed based on the work into naturism of Harold Booth.

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British Naturism can trace its origins back to 1891 and the Fellowship for the Naked Trust in British India. The first annual naturist world congress was held in London in 1951 although the International Naturist Federation (INF) was officially founded in 1953 in Montalivet in France. In 1970 International Naturist Federation held its annual congress in Britain.

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Locals turn a blindish eye and maintain that there is nothing wrong with nudism. Naturists advocate acceptance of social nudity and enjoy embracing the great outdoors through walking in the woods, relaxing on the beach, swimming in the pool and nude sea bathing. Two of the shorts of the anthology film Immoral Tales (1973) deal with incest. The American horror films The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original series 19741994 and remake series 20032006) and Wrong Turn (2003) feature villains who are the product of inbreeding.

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The beach at Slapton Sands Nature Reserve and nearby Pilchard Cove have been frequented by nudist bathers for decades. Film Incestuous families or several kinds of incest in one film or a film series. News reporters Tony and Sally Adams visit a nudist centre at a country hotel in South Devon.

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